Revine Clinic

CIK Treatment Procedure - Steps For CIK Cell Therapy

Cancer is a devastating disease that affects millions of people worldwide. Thankfully, advancements in medical science have paved the way for innovative treatments that offer hope and improved outcomes. One such treatment is CIK cell therapy, which stands for Cytokine-Induced Killer cell therapy. In this article, we will delve into the CIK treatment procedure, its step-by-step process, features, success rate, availability, and alternative treatments.

CIK Treatment Procedure

CIK cell therapy is an immunotherapy approach that utilizes the patient’s own immune system to target and destroy cancer cells. The procedure begins with a thorough evaluation and diagnosis by a qualified healthcare professional. Once deemed eligible, the patient can proceed with the CIK treatment process.

The CIK treatment procedure involves several key steps. Firstly, the patient’s immune cells, specifically T-lymphocytes, are extracted from their blood using a process called leukapheresis. During leukapheresis, the patient’s blood is drawn through a needle, and a machine separates the immune cells from the rest of the blood components. This process ensures that only the necessary immune cells are used for the CIK cell therapy.

Once the immune cells are extracted, they are then transported to the laboratory, where they undergo a process of culturing and expansion. This step is crucial in enhancing the immune cells‘ ability to target cancer cells effectively. The immune cells are cultured in a controlled environment, where specific cytokines are added. These cytokines act as growth factors, stimulating the immune cells to multiply and proliferate rapidly.

After the culturing and expansion phase, the newly empowered CIK cells are ready to be reintroduced into the patient’s body. This is done through intravenous infusion, where the CIK cells are carefully infused back into the patient’s bloodstream. The intravenous route allows for the widespread distribution of CIK cells throughout the body, ensuring that they can reach and attack cancer cells in various locations.

Once inside the patient’s body, the CIK cells begin their mission to seek out and destroy cancer cells. They possess a unique ability to recognize and target cancer cells specifically, while sparing healthy cells. This targeted approach minimizes potential side effects and maximizes the effectiveness of the treatment.

Steps For CIK Cell Therapy for Cancer Treatment

Now let’s delve into the step-by-step process of CIK cell therapy for cancer treatment:

  1. Initial evaluation and diagnosis by a qualified healthcare professional.
  2. Extraction of T-lymphocytes from the patient’s blood through leukapheresis.
  3. Culture and expansion of the immune cells in the laboratory using specific cytokines.
  4. Intravenous infusion of the expanded CIK cells back into the patient’s bloodstream.

These systematic steps ensure a comprehensive treatment approach that maximizes the potential effectiveness of CIK cell therapy.

Features of CIK Treatment

CIK cell therapy boasts several noteworthy features that contribute to its increasing popularity as a cancer treatment option:

  • Personalized: The immune cells used are derived from the patient, minimizing the risk of rejection or side effects.
  • Targeted: CIK cells have the ability to specifically recognize and attack cancer cells, sparing healthy cells.
  • Enhanced efficacy: The cytokine-induced expansion of CIK cells enhances their potency and anti-cancer activity.
  • Minimal invasiveness: CIK cell therapy is a non-surgical treatment that can be administered through intravenous infusion.

These features make CIK cell therapy an attractive option for cancer patients and provide hope for better treatment outcomes.

Get in Touch with Revine Clinic to Learn More About CIK Treatment Procedure!

If you or a loved one is interested in the CIK treatment procedure and would like more information, feel free to get in touch with Revine Clinic. Their team of healthcare professionals can provide detailed insights and guidance regarding this innovative form of cancer treatment. Don’t hesitate to reach out and explore the potential of CIK cell therapy for you or your loved one!


What is the success rate of CIK cell therapy?

The success rate of CIK cell therapy may vary depending on many factors, including the type and stage of cancer, overall health of the patient, and individual response to the treatment. 

Where can I get CIK cell therapy?

CIK cell therapy is a specialized treatment that requires expertise and specialized medical facilities. Currently, it is offered at select medical centers and clinics such as Revine Clinic and other parts around the world. 

How effective is CIK cell therapy?

CIK cell therapy has shown promising results in clinical studies and is considered an effective treatment for certain types of cancer. However, its effectiveness can vary from patient to patient. Factors such as the type, stage, and location of cancer, as well as the overall health of the patient, can influence the outcome. 

What are the alternative treatments for cancer that are similar to CIK cell therapy?

While CIK cell therapy offers a promising treatment option, there are alternative cancer treatments that share similar goals. These include other forms of immunotherapy, such as CAR-T cell therapy, dendritic cell therapy, and natural killer (NK) cell therapy.